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Yeonjoo Cho


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Yeonjoo Cho (b. 1991) is a Korean artist and researcher based in Seoul, South Korea and Glasgow, United Kingdom. Centred on the tropes and ideas of 'Oriental Painting', her work explores the boundaries and intersections of cultures. Based on her background of oscillating between South Korea and the UK, Cho has showcased paintings and drawings that focus on experiences of movement and migration and narratives of cultural others and hybrids.

She studied painting and art history at Ewha Womans University and completed her interdisciplinary PhD research which employs contemporary art practice, art history, and postcolonial discourses as three key columns. Her work has been exhibited in various cities in the UK and South Korea, including institutions such as the Scottish Royal Academy, Edinburgh City Art Centre, Cambridge University, Cheongju Creative Art Studio, Uijeongbu Art Centre, and SeMA-Buk Seoul Museum of Art.



2023 PhD, Glasgow School of Art, UK
2018 MLitt (Fine Art Practice), Glasgow School of Art, UK

2016 MFA (Painting), Ewha Womans University, KR
2014 BA (Art History) & BFA (Painting), Ewha Womans University, KR



Solo Exhibitions

2024 <Round Song> (two-person), South Block, Glasgow, UK

2019 <Things between the Sun and the Moon>, Cheongju Creative Art Studio, Cheongju, KR

2017 <Dream Journey>, Art Space Seo:ro, Seoul, KR.​


Selected Group Exhibitions

2024 - 2025 (forthcoming)

<K-Women: Celebrating Korean Female Artists>,

Kingston Museum, London

2024  <Then & Now: VAS Centenary Show Part Two>,

Dalkeith Palace, Dalkeith

<Hope is the Things with Feathers>,

The SOC Waterston House, Aberlady

 <Then & Now: 100 Years of Visual Arts Scotland>,

Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh

2023 - 2024 <Scottish Landscape Awards>,

Edinburgh City Art Centre, Edinburgh

2023  <Glasgow Independent Studio Members Show>,

Glasgow Project Room, Glasgow

<CV: Busan>, Hello Artist, Busan

2022 <Reverb>, Visual Arts Scotland, Online 

2021 <Human Perspectives>,

Gonville and Caius College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge

2020 <Yule Hair is Large>, Glasgow Project Room, Glasgow

<Contemporary Young Artist>, The Biscuit Factory, Newcastle upon Tyne

2019 <Open Code>, Cheongju Creative Art Studio, Cheongju

2018 <We Are Together Because...>, The Vacant Space, Glasgow

<Close by>, 38 Trongate, Glasgow

<No Safe Haven>, The Pipe Factory, Glasgow

2017 <UAC Young Artists>, Uijeongbu Art Centre, Uijeongbu

<Love & Respect>, AK Gallery, Suwon

2016 <Storytelling Painting>, Seoul Western District Court Gallery, Seoul

<美貪>, Sang-am DMC Art Gallery, Seoul

<Notwithstanding X>, SeMA, Buk Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul

2014 <The 4th Art Factory Project>, Culture Station Seoul 284, Seoul

<Scout>, Gallery Imazoo, Seoul


Awards / Grants

2024  Creators' Fund +, We Are Here Scotland

Visual Artists and Craft Makers Award, Creative Scotland

2023  Scottish Landscape Awards, Scottish Arts Trust (shortlisted)

Youngmin International Artist Residency Programme (Travel Grant—Domaine de Boisbuchet), Hanwha Foundation

2022 Flora Wood Award for Originality, Visual Arts Scotland

2020 Biscuit Factory Contemporary Young Artist (shortlisted)

2018  Lit Award, Kendall Koppe Gallery, Glasgow

Secret Art Prize, Curious Duke Gallery (shortlisted)

2017  UAC Emerging Artist Award (shortlisted)

AK Artist Award, AK Gallery (shortlisted)​​​​


Artist-in-Residence Programmes

2024 Atelier Nine by Mansion Nine Gallery, Seoul

2023 Domaine de Boisbuchet, Lessac

2019 The Cheongju Art Studio, Cheongju

2018 Project Ability, Glasgow​​


Talks / Research Conference

2024  (forthcoming) Research Forum, Drawing Room, London - Online

Glasgow School of Art Learning & Teaching Conference, Glasgow - Online

2022  Artist Talk, Painting & Printmaking Department

The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow

2021  Call and Response Research Presentations,

RCA, Greenwich University and the NAFAE network, Online

2020  Encounters PhD Symposium,

Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, Dundee

2019  PGR Research Methods Symposium,

The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow

Artist Talk at Cheongju Art Studio, Cheongju

Artist Talk at Painting Department, Ewha Womans University, Seoul​



2024 - Present, Lecturer (Part-time), Dongguk University, Seoul

2022 - 2024, Visiting Lecturer, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow

2020 - 2022, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow

작가 소개


조연주 (b. 1991)는 영국 글라스고와 서울을 오가며 작업하는 한국의 시각 예술가이자 연구자이다. 그녀의 작품은 ‘동양화’의 양식과 개념을 중심으로 하여 문화의 경계와 교차점을 탐구한다. 영국과 한국을 오가며 작업한 본인의 배경을 바탕으로, 조연주는 이동과 이주의 경험, 그리고 문화적 타자와 혼성체들의 이야기에 초점을 맞추고 회화 및 드로잉 작품을 선보여왔다.

조연주는 이화여자대학교에서 회화와 미술사를 전공하고 글라스고 스쿨 오브 아트에서 현대미술 실습, 미술사학, 그리고 포스트콜로니얼 담론을 세 축으로 한 다학제간 연구로 박사학위를 받았다. 그녀의 작품은 스코틀랜드 왕립 아카데미, 에든버러 시티 아트 센터, 케임브리지 대학, 청주 창작 예술 스튜디오, 의정부 아트 센터, 서울시립 북서울미술관 등 영국과 한국의 여러 도시에서 전시되었다.






2023 Glasgow School of Art, 박사 
2018 Glasgow School of Art, 석사 (순수미술 실습)

2016 이화여자대학교, 석사 (서양화)
2014 이화여자대학교, 학사 (서양화 & 미술사학)





2024 <Round Song> (2인전), South Block, 글라스고

2019 <해와 달 사이의 것들>, 청주미술창작스튜디오, 청주

2017 <Dream Journey>, 예술공간 서로, 서울​

주요 단체전

2024 - 2025 (forthcoming)

<K-Women: Celebrating Korean Female Artists>,

Kingston Museum, 런던

2024  <Then & Now: VAS Centenary Show Part Two>,

Dalkeith Palace, 달키스

<Hope is the Things with Feathers>,

The SOC Waterston House, 에버레이디

 <Then & Now: 100 Years of Visual Arts Scotland>,

Royal Scottish Academy, 에든버러

2023 - 2024 <Scottish Landscape Awards>,

Edinburgh City Art Centre, 에든버러

2023  <Glasgow Independent Studio Members Show>,

Glasgow Project Room, 글라스고

<CV: Busan>, 헬로우 아티스트, 부산

2022 <Reverb>, Visual Arts Scotland, 온라인

2021 <Human Perspectives>,

Gonville and Caius College, University of Cambridge, 케임브리지

2020 <Yule Hair is Large>, Glasgow Project Room, 글라스고

<Contemporary Young Artist>, The Biscuit Factory,

뉴캐슬 어폰 타인

2019 <오픈 코드>, 청주 창작 스튜디오, 청주

2018 <We Are Together Because...>, The Vacant Space, 글라스고

<Close by>, 38 Trongate, 글라스고

<No Safe Haven>, The Pipe Factory, 글라스고

2017 <제 4회 의정부 예술의 전당 신진작가 공모전>,

의정부 예술의 전당, 의정부

<Love & Respect>, AK 갤러리, 수원

2016 <말하는 그림>, 서울서부 지방법원 갤러리, 서울

<미탐美貪>, 상암 DMC 갤러리, 서울

<그럼에도 불구하고 X>, 서울 시립미술관 북서울관, 서울

2014 <제 4회 공장미술제>, 문화역 284, 서울

<Scout>, 갤러리 이마주, 서울

​수상 및 기금 선정

2024  Creators' Fund +, We Are Here Scotland

Visual Artists and Craft Makers Award, Creative Scotland

2023  Scottish Landscape Awards, Scottish Arts Trust (입선)

영민 레지던시 프로그램, 한화문화재단, 서울

2022  Flora Wood Award for Originality, Visual Arts Scotland

2020  Biscuit Factory Contemporary Young Artist (입선)

2018  Lit Award, Kendall Koppe Gallery

Secret Art Prize, Curious Duke Gallery (입선)

2017  제 4회 의정부 예술의 전당 신진작가 공모전 (입선)

제 4회 애경 작품 공모전 (입선)



2024 아틀리에 나인-맨션 나인 갤러리, 서울

2023 Domaine de Boisbuchet, 레삭 

2019 청주미술창작스튜디오, 청주

2018 Project Ability, 글라스고​​


아티스트 토크 / 리서치 컨퍼런스

2024 (예정) Research Forum, Drawing Room, 런던 - 온라인

2024 글라스고 예술대학 학습 & 교육 컨퍼런스, 글라스고 - 온라인

2022 아티스트 토크, 회화 & 판화과, The Glasgow School of Art, 글라스고

2021 Call and Response 연구 프레젠테이션, RCA, Greenwich University

and the NAFAE network, 온라인

2020 Encounters 연구 심포지엄, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, 던디

2019 PGR Research Methods 심포지엄, The Glasgow School of Art, 글라스고

2019 아티스트 토크, 청주창작스튜디오, 청주

2019 아티스트 토크 (특별 강의 초청), 서양화과, 이화여자대학교, 서울


2024 - 현재, 강사, 동국대학교, 서울

2022 - 2024, Visiting Lecturer, Glasgow School of Art, 글라스고

2020 - 2022, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Glasgow School of Art, 글라스고

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