Yeonjoo Cho
'Dream Journey'
A record of imaginary journeys which ended up getting lost.
Dream Journey
꿈의 여정
(2016 - 2017)
<Dream Journey> shows imaginary spaces created by borrowing motifs from well-known East Asian landscape paintings. The change in the materiality of ink to oil, and the pictorial elements omitted or added in the process of transfiguration instil contemporary temporality and spatiality.
<꿈의 여정>은 동아시아 산수화의 잘 알려진 모티프들을 빌려와 만든 상상의 공간들을 보여준다. 먹에서 유채로의 물질성의 변화, 그리고 변형의 과정에서 생략되거나 추가된 조형적 요소들은 동시대의 시간성과 공간성을 부여한다.
Installation View at Art Space Seo:ro & Uijeongbu Art Centre
Lake Sam-il
Oil on linen, 91.0 × 116.8 × 2 cm, 2016
Early Spring
Oil on linen, 130 × 69.5cm, 2016
The Joy of Living in Mountains
Oil on linen, 130 × 69.5cm, 2016
Rainy Forest
Oil on linen, 30 × 120 × 1.5 cm (30 × 30 × 1.5 cm each), 2016
From Lake Sam-il
Oil on linen, 112.1 × 162.2 × 2 cm, 2017
Bakyon Waterfall, Oil on canvas, 50 × 40 × 2 cm in diameter, 2017
Tree for Landscape, Oil on canvas, 40 × 30 × 2 cm in diameter, 2017
Winter Tree, Oil on canvas, 40 × 40 × 2 cm in diameter, 2017
Night Walk, Oil on linen, 130.3 × 89.4 × 2 cm, 2017